[Tech1] Wills

Nick Rodger nickrodger at mac.com
Thu Mar 24 07:22:42 CDT 2022

I live in Cheshire/South Manchester, so costs are not quite as high as the South~East (I assume). 

When I did my will last summer it cost me £350.00 (+VAT, but they don’t get that). 

That has to pay for their staff, offices, etc.etc., and for all I know that was his only job that week. 

As my estate is anything but straightforward our initial consultation with him lasted over two hours. 

Included in that estate is a 50% interest in a house in SW London, so I’m in the lucky position of having an estate worth well over £1M. 

As I imagine does nearly everyone on this forum, given todays property values. 

The last time my Civil Partner and I went out for a “good” meal it cost us over £100.00. 

I don’t think £350.00 is excessive to protect the interests and make life easier for those I leave behind. 


Nick Rodger 
Cameraman (Retired) 
07971 007578 
nickrodger at mac.com  

Don’t blame me!! 
I voted Remain 😥😥 

On 24 Mar 2022, at 11:46, chris.maurice via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:

Dear Geoff

My daughter is a Private Client solicitor and her 'charge out' rate is no way the same as her salary. Nor does she get anymore for spending her evening sitting at the hospital bedside of a terminally ill client so that she can get her affairs in order before she dies.

You can, if you so wish, write a Will on the back of a fag  packet or get a d.i.y. Will writing kit, but be warned! My daughter has plenty of stories to tell of such documents failing Probate because they are not properly drawn up!

Yes, it can be pricey to have a Will written by a solicitor, but you may want to consider that your beneficiaries and those you leave behind might just be worth that cost.



Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message --------
From: Geoffrey Hawkes via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>
Date: 23/03/2022 22:06 (GMT+00:00)
To: "dave.mdv" <dave.mdv at btinternet.com>
Cc: tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk
Subject: Re: [Tech1] Wills

The amount solicitors charge is scandalous. Think how much a minute that equates to and what it costs to sit down with them and say Hello.
Stay safe on your journey and don’t let the beneficiaries know your route or they might stage an accident to put you out of your misery,
Best wishes,

Sent from my iPhone

> On 23 Mar 2022, at 19:22, dave.mdv via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> We are having a fourth go at getting a will to suit all of our family, which has changed a lot over the years. Today we had a meeting with a very young nice man who had been with the firm for 3 years. We said what we wanted and we wanted it done by Friday! Only because my wife has this fear that if we drive down to Somerset for Mother's Day we will both be killed and the third (totally wrong will) will still be in force! He sent us the agreement documents and the terms of service and we signed them and I photocopied them all and sent them back, he also wanted a copy of my driving licence with my address on and also a list of all our children and grandchildren's details like d.o.b and addresses. I sent all off those this afternoon and he will prepare the documents and  we will call in on Friday a.m. to sign them on the way to Somerset! Hows that for productivity? I feel sorry for OAPs without a PC as you could never do that in that time scale. BTW, my young man's fees are £200/hour and the partner overlooking the deal is on £400/hour! Compare that with the new P&O workforce on £2/hour! Makes you think that there is some inequality in this great country of ours! Cheers, Dave
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