[Tech1] Trumpeting

Dave Plowman dave at davesound.co.uk
Sun Mar 20 07:06:11 CDT 2022

My 5 minutes of fame. Which lasted for about 25 years from my first 
credit on The Bill to the last. Oddly, I watched some early half hour 
eps on catchup, and they cut off the credits before the tech ones. But 
they were an oddity today. Pure police trivia, mainly. Now most are Line 
of Duty, etc. Or rather were until Paul Marquess took over and 
introduced plenty unbelievable story lines.

On 20/03/2022 11:53, dave.mdv via Tech1 wrote:
> Well caught, Dave! Talking of trumpeting I have just been watching 
> 'The Bill' on the drama channel, as we do every Sunday morning, and 
> there was a Sound credit for Dave Plowman (previously 'Angus' in a 
> former life!) Cheers, Dave
> On 20/03/2022 10:40, David Newbitt via Tech1 wrote:
>> Back in the days of one of many management/staff wage disputes, an 
>> arbitration panel was considering the merits of the arguments. A 
>> brief résumé was published of the panel members credentials -  member 
>> of this, chairman of that, fellow of the other etc. The last listed 
>> member had no entry against his name, rapidly hand amended by one wag 
>> to state “bereft of all distinction”.
>> The phrase came to mind when I was contemplating whether I could 
>> muster a contribution to this trumpeting thread. Just short of giving 
>> up in despair I thought of this.
>> From childhood to the present I have suffered from wildly excessive 
>> and rapid adrenalin production. Never mind bungee jumping, dropping a 
>> pencil on the floor behind me when I’m relaxed or concentrating is 
>> all the excitement I need. As a schoolboy sprinter I was out of the 
>> blocks before anyone else woke up. I didn’t always win by a long 
>> chalk as I wasn’t a strong finisher but if the sprint could have been 
>> terminated mid distance I might well have been a sensation. 
>> Anticipation situations such as before interviews, races, counts down 
>> on ebay auctions and the like saw heart rates probably approaching 
>> danger levels. Believe me it’s a curse 90% of the time but it has 
>> also enabled the survival of a fair few pheasants, badgers, deer etc. 
>> down the years. Plus this:-
>> Standing at the bar of a pub near East Grinstead when I was in my 
>> late 30’s, my companion’s elbow knocked his own beer tankard off the 
>> counter. I caught it one-handed, contents intact, half way to the 
>> floor and returned it to the counter. I think I lacked the necessary 
>> nonchalance to carry it off like cool hand Luke but on balance I did 
>> well enough for the time the anecdote lasted amongst colleagues. 
>> Maybe not a trumpet, more of a penny whistle.
>> Dave Newbitt.
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