Nick Ware waresound at msn.com
Sat Mar 19 08:51:31 CDT 2022

Two of my very first memories of working at the BBC were on Crew 2, prior to going to Evesham. The first was being sent to Tech stores to get a black level clamp. The storeman had obviously heard that one before and said “Sorry, they’re all out, you have to book them in advance”. Second was being sent to Millicent Martin’s dressing room to put a radio mic on her. You will remember what bulky gallumphing things they were, with two throat mics (no ECM’s then). I knocked and she called “Come in”. And there she was in the skimpiest Bunny Outfit you’ve ever seen. I showed her the radio mic and blurted out awkwardly “I’ve come to fit this on you, but I don’t know where to put it”. She laughed and said …. er, no, I daren’t tell you what she said, but it had something to do with the shape of the transmitter. Naive little me went back up to the SCR, still with radio mic in hand, only to find the buggers had been listening to my burblings all the time!  Initiation test, or what! Even two years at Art School hadn’t prepared me for that.
That off my chest and hers, do any of you remember this LP of show excerpts? Produced by George Martin, no less in 1963. I still have it but sadly I don’t have anything to play it on now.

Nick Ware - From my iPad mini 6
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