[Tech1] Parents and Credits!

Nick Ware waresound at msn.com
Sat Mar 19 06:52:42 CDT 2022

What was it about working for the BBC that parents couldn’t see was a ‘proper job’? My Dad died eight years before I left the Beeb, so he never saw me in a proper job. Mum, on the other hand, only took my work seriously 26 years after I left the BBC, when in 2006, I showed her my Emmy award for a CBS story we’d covered in Iran about Nuclear energy/weaponry. In that story was an interview with the then President Ahmadinejad. At the end of that interview ‘my’ cameraman and I were presented with gold Rolexes as a thankyou, which under CBS potential bribery rules, we weren’t allowed to accept. It was a sackable offence. For the staff cameraman it was a no-brainer, but me being freelance, I had only seconds to decide whether the value of the Rolex was greater than the number of CBS working days I would lose if I kept the watch! I did plenty of CBS 60 Minutes after that, but I’ll never be sure if I made the right choice.
Nick Ware - From my iPad mini 6

On 19 Mar 2022, at 11:03, patheigham via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:

My parents were hugely supportive of my chosen career, but I did incur my father’s wrath, when I failed to tell him what I was up to, in banging the central heating pipes to get an effect of a water hammer for a Steptoe, where Harold had installed a load of dodgy plumbing in their house. However, I got my folks audience tickets for that very episode, showed them round the control rooms, and Dad couldn’t stop talking about it in our local pub!

Agreed that end credits are run so fast and shrunk to become unreadable, but magically return to full screen when the production credits turn up!
But technician credits were few and far between in the 60’s.


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From: Garth Tucker via Tech1<mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>
Sent: 19 March 2022 07:53
To: tech1 ><mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>
Subject: [Tech1] Parents and Credits!

My parents, who I loved deeply, couldn’t stand ‘Brookside’ but they did tune in to Channel 4 just see the credits in case I was on them.


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