Dudley Darby dudley.darby at gmail.com
Fri Mar 11 05:59:33 CST 2022

Stage 4 was Studio F, the one that became a scenery store. The tank was used
as a graveyard for old equipment, and provided a final resting place for
Pedalo Booms! I think Studio 1 was H, used for Quatermass then subsequently
as the Colour Studio with the massive RCA 3-tube colour cameras, Studios 2&3
became Studio G. "second Floor" studios (4th floor to us) were D and E. I
think D was the last CPS Emitron studio, the cameras' tendancy to peel if
they saw a light being used on the last Doctor Who shot there as an effect.




Dudley C. Darby




From: Tech1 [mailto:tech1-bounces at tech-ops.co.uk] On Behalf Of Bernard
Newnham via Tech1
Sent: 11 March 2022 11:43
To: tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk
Cc: Bernard Newnham
Subject: Re: [Tech1] LIME GROVE


I wonder if Stage 4 is Studio D?


On 11/03/2022 11:25, patheigham via Tech1 wrote:

Fascinating. I don't know if I should be proud to work there when BBC, but
pleased to see mention of Gainsborough, which I always thought of being the
owners of LG in the past.

Has anyone worked out which of the stages became the LG studios we knew and




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From: Albert Barber via Tech1 <mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> 
Sent: 11 March 2022 10:56o: tech1 <mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> 
Subject: [Tech1] LIME GROVE


Dear All this may be of interest. Best Albert





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