[Tech1] Wimbldon_19xx

David Newbitt dnewbitt at fireflyuk.net
Tue Jul 12 03:48:48 CDT 2022

A Hibou challenge – unfortunately on a topic I know nothing of! Looking at the cars however I wonder if it might be somewhat earlier than 1975? Triumph Heralds were looking a bit long in the tooth by then and the one in the photo looks in fair nick. Perhaps very late 60s or early 70s?

Dave Newbitt.

From: John Howell via Tech1 
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2022 12:45 AM
To: TechOps Forum 
Subject: [Tech1] Wimbldon_19xx

You OB chaps are so knowledgeable about your vehicles, can you tell me what year this photograph was taken? I hope that there is enough information in the picture for you to make a decision. No prizes but I hope it will  provoke some lively discussion. I will reveal the answer in a few days time.


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