[Tech1] Sypher prep

Alan Taylor alanaudio at me.com
Fri Feb 25 06:28:08 CST 2022

Can any of the sound guys remind me about Sypher prep and Limited Sypher?

During the 1980s, we had with Sypher ( which became Sypher 1 ), followed by Sypher 2 and subsequently Syphers 3&4.  We also had prep rooms and my diary mentions a place called Limited Sypher.

Am I right in thinking that the prep rooms contained multitrack recorders and a synchroniser? Obviously they had ¼” tape machines, grams and a U-Matic.  Could we track-lay in the prep rooms?

What about Limited Sypher? I remember the name, but can’t recall quite where it was, or what facilities it offered. 

Alan Taylor

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