[Tech1] Beware SuperGlue!

Pat Heigham pat.heigham at amps.net
Mon Aug 22 04:08:35 CDT 2022

A good friend of mine used to own a twinmast, twin engined ketch.
When she was out of the water, I was pressganged into maintenance for
below the waterline.

Getting barnacles/limpets off the stainless steel prop shafts was extremely
difficult. Whatever they secreted to stick on with would make an excellent
glue product!


On 11/08/2022 08:07, Alec Bray via Tech1 wrote:
> Hi
> Super glue can be removed from hard surfaces with  alcohol. *Pour 
> enough alcohol to cover the glue spot and let it sit for 5-10 
> minutes*. It will loosen the glue's grip on the surface and allow you 
> to scrape it off
> Acetone - nail polish remover - can remove superglue, too.
> So, get a glass of whisky and do your nails!
> (PS I found out about alcohol when trying to glue a latching frame 
> onto a BBC B microcomputer - and spilt it (this when I was teaching 
> and we had to fasten the computers to the desks).. I went to the 
> science department and we agreed alcohol would do the trick - and it 
> did. Not worried about superglue since.  Gorilla glue is another 
> story, though!)
> Best regards,
> Alec
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