[Tech1] PC building

patheigham pat.heigham at amps.net
Sat Oct 23 08:22:30 CDT 2021

I am in awe of you chaps who build their own computers!
I’m back in the Meccano age – if I can’t construct it in that, I’m lost!
Video editing – I have had great success with Pinnacle, which I believe to be quite similar to AVID. Currently have installed version 22, and resisting upgrading to 25 at considerable cost.
As I have a Sony semi-pro camera, I get Sony’s newsletters. There was a recent puff for a cloud based system, allowing material to be fired up directly from the camera, and collected by editors anywhere in the world. Forget rushes via postal etc and does away with radio links and old tech to get the footage back to where it’s needed.

Also awed by Chris Woolf’s postings on various matters. Chris -you seem to be extremely up to speed on many varied things, or at least, know where to find the answers!

Sent from Mail for Windows

From: David Newbitt via Tech1
Sent: 23 October 2021 12:49
To: Bernard Newnham; tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk
Cc: dnewbitt at fireflyuk.net
Subject: Re: [Tech1] PC building

This is a thread calculated to elicit more opinions than there are components! Dare I start the ball rolling?

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