[Tech1] Refuse centres

Dave Buckley david.jasma at sky.com
Wed Oct 20 06:50:03 CDT 2021

Here in Dumfries, the council introduced time slots (10 minutes a go 
with a maximum of three cars each slot) last year without much 
advertising. The first I knew was when we went to our local dump and an 
attendant asked if I had booked. When I asked what he meant he explained 
saying that it had been advertised on West Sound, the local independent 
station. My reply was, who listens to West Sound! In addition I hadn't 
seen anything in the local paper.

On my last visit, I had about 15 sacks of soil and rubble to dump. 
Although the staff on duty aren't allowed to assist you directly, when I 
said what I had, a barrier was moved to allow me to back the car to 
alongside the skip. While we were emptying the sacks, another chap 
dumping items, came and helped.

So far as I know the booking system is probably here to stay. To me this 
is just another way of controlling the masses and reducing local services.

On the other hand, the council introduced kerbside collections of 
paper/card and plastic bottles etc/cans a couple of months ago which has 
cut down the number of trips to the dump to re-cycle these items.

Dave Buckley

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