[Tech1] Summer holidays

dave.mdv dave.mdv at btinternet.com
Sun Oct 10 18:06:29 CDT 2021

As a young teen I spent most summer holidays in Mablethorpe, in 
Lincolnshire, just above the posher Skegness! The 'guest' house had a 
large porcelain bowl in the bedroom and a large jug of cold water, 
en-suite in the 50's! I spent hours in the 'hell-dives', as my mother 
called them, and got to learn which machines you could manipulate to win 
another penny or two. Eventually, the staff kept altering the pins etc. 
on the pin-ball machines to make them less rewarding. Some old one-armed 
bandits you could spin the reels backwards to where you would win a 
penny or two. Happy days. I got many free rides on the big wheel, I 
don't know why but I was very good looking as a twelve year old! The 
juke box had Frankie Laine hits and 'Glenn Miller Story' tracks on 78's 
which were totally alien to me,  being brought up on the Palm Court 
Orchestra on a Sunday evening on the Home Service! When a girl asked me 
if I liked Frankie Laine I had to fib! That was the start of my real 
adolescence! Cheers, Dave

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