[Tech1] Topics 5 - your latest compilation

Albert Barber ravenscourt1 at btinternet.com
Thu Mar 11 05:15:04 CST 2021

Thank you so much for all the work in the past . I hope that you will find time to return as things get easier. I look at my son and his too and reflect on the hard work it is and notice how knackered my son and his wife look. It does get better! Willow looks a bonny baby, love to her too and such a lovely name. It is only as a grandparent do you understand the love without the hardwork.

> On 11 Mar 2021, at 09:34, Alec Bray via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi all,
> The latest collection of your Tech Ops reminiscences is available here:
> http://tech-ops.co.uk/next/2021/03/topics-5/ <http://tech-ops.co.uk/next/2021/03/topics-5/>
> This is my last compilation of Tech Ops Topics. 
> I would like to publicly thank Bernie so much for the opportunity to work on his Tech Ops website: it has been an honour and a privilege over the past nearly seven years to try to prepare for posterity the spirit of the BBC you all knew.
> I have enjoyed capturing all your tales of Technical Operations in order to present to “the world” as realistic as possible an impression of what it was like to work in BBC Television – from the technical crews’ points of view - from the late 1950s through to the present day (and to document some of the influences on our lives).. 
> It was so nice when I first came across Bernie's Tech Ops website, after I had retired,  and my regret is that I had got rid of a lot of BBC-related material – including Wood Norton notes and the film we made for the end of course programme – before I found Bernie's Tech Ops site. And let me say, Bernie has been great to work for!
> The main reason is for my giving up work on the Tech Ops website has been the birth of my granddaughter, Willow!  My wife and I want to be fully involved in her growing up.  Willow  is precious and unexpected  - my daughter had lots of problems "down there" over the years: we thought that she would not be able to conceive.  But here is Willow. (nearly four months)
> <oeoohaohabdjidhl.png>
> Topics 5 includes:
> "Dr Who" Pilots and Titles
> Cleopatra
> Comics and Cutaways
> Doormen at the BBC – and at other companies
> Green Screen
> Hydrofrolicks
> Jude the Obscure (1971)
> The Man Outside
> Tape Speeds
> Who's the dummy?
> Going out with a BANG! … or a whimper …
> Sorry that it is a bit "thinner" than usual!   (PS don't worry, I'll still contribute to the ongoing discussions !)
> So long, and thanks for all the fish....
> -- 
> =======
> Alec Bray
> alec.bray.2 at gmail.com <mailto:alec.bray.2 at gmail.com>
> Mob:  07789 561 346
> Tel:  0118 981 7502
> -- 
> Tech1 mailing list
> Tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk
> http://tech-ops.co.uk/mailman/listinfo/tech1_tech-ops.co.uk

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