[Tech1] Home Security Cameras - what are the do's and dont's?

David Newbitt dnewbitt at fireflyuk.net
Sun Mar 7 03:29:00 CST 2021

Which? looked at the general considerations of home CCTV quite recently. At risk of in some cases preaching to the already well-informed, I am attaching a Word doc of the item – it does conclude with mention of the legal aspects of privacy.

Dave Newbitt.

From: geoff.hawkes134--- via Tech1 
Sent: Saturday, March 6, 2021 11:45 PM
To: tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk 
Cc: geoff.hawkes134 at gmail.com 
Subject: [Tech1] Home Security Cameras - what are the do's and dont's?

Yesterday afternoon we had a couple of suspicious characters in our front garden, who I spotted through the kitchen window. They were casually trying to peep through the fence at the bottom of our neighbour’s garden to see if anyone was in, which fortunately for them, they were. I wish I’d had the presence of mind to grab my camera and take photos but panicked and called the police, hoping they’d come in time to catch them but they saw me watching them and scarpered pretty quick. The police came but by then there was no sign of them anywhere and I’d been told when I rang, to stay indoors and not to go after them for my own safety.


The police asked if we had a security camera, which we don’t and I’m now thinking of getting one. I’m sure some, if not many of you will have cameras and it would be good to know which ones and what the rules are about what they can cover. I’m told that some legitimate callers object to being seen on them and have taken people to court over it. Is it alright as long as they only cover your own private property and do you still have to put up a notice to warn everyone entering. That would be OK as it would make it more of a deterrent for would-be intruders, like the sight of an alarm system in place. I’ve thought about that too but we live in a quiet area and the idea of false alarms going off, especially at night, puts me off,


Geoff Hawkes


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