[Tech1] for amusement

Chris Woolf chris at chriswoolf.co.uk
Thu Jun 24 09:26:59 CDT 2021

 From that altitude stall recovery probably isn't feasible;}


On 24/06/2021 15:23, Graeme Wall wrote:
> Ouch! I bet it did. So when do you start flying lessons?
> Graeme Wall
>> On 24 Jun 2021, at 14:55, Chris Woolf via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
>> A couple of weeks ago I had the misfortune for a scaffold board to break underneath me when I was working on the renovation of an ancient barn. Being incompetent at flying I descended with the regulation acceleration due to gravity upon my 80kg mass. The destination was a cobbled floor, but I was saved from meeting that too quickly by a firmly fixed horizontal scaffold pole that decided to join in the fun.
>> The net result was some broken ribs and knobbles off my spine, and what is politely called blunt force trauma on some of the internal bits. Fear not, I'm trotting around perfectly happily, but the news went round to many friends, who all sent lovely cards.
>> The standard version was one wishing me something like "get well soon" and a paragraph of kindly words, but the one I valued most was from a retired physio-lady friend - a beautiful photo of an old, mossy branch, with a broken end, and the hand-written wording inside - "Bet that bloody hurt"!
>> Chris Woolf
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