[Tech1] On-line buying

Paul Thackray paul at pgtmedia.co.uk
Fri Jun 18 05:16:08 CDT 2021

It's all fiction!



It even pre dates the EU and appears to be originated in the US!

Paul Thackray
PGT Media Consulting Ltd.
+44 7802 243979
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	  Original Message  	

From: tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk
Sent: 18 June 2021 09:53
To: tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk
Reply to: alanaudio at me.com
Subject: Re: [Tech1] On-line buying

Form filling needn’t be a hassle if you use a browser which will auto-fill forms for you.  I use my iPad for a lot on online ordering and whenever it spots that I’m filling in a form, it offers the info found in my address book contact details.  It’s just a matter of doing a quick confirmation tap on each field.  Very occasionally a field is labelled in a way which confuses it, but once you type a letter or two, it works out what you’re trying to do and offers to complete.

I’ve previously mentioned how I avoid Amazon wherever possible. In addition, the way they try and trick you into joining Amazon Prime is appalling, but at least if you have signed up, you can cancel it online before they start charging.  Much of what they sell can be found cheaper elsewhere, especially on eBay.

In many cases eBay offers a better price, but eBay has a different pitfall in that if you want two or three identical items, you could get charged the delivery charge two or three times unless you are careful.  One thing I approve of with eBay is that many of the dealers are very small operations with people selling specialised items from home, or supplementing sales from a niche bricks and mortar store which otherwise wouldn’t be viable if it relied solely on local trade.

If I’m building a project, I sometimes wonder if a specialised component is commercially available which could be adapted for my purposes.  The biggest problem is working out what such a thing might be called, but I’ve often come up with relatively cheap items which have saved an enormous amount of effort and look really neat too.

Alan Taylor

> On 18 Jun 2021, at 00:07, Dave Plowman via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> In article <7df94222-4d42-d32c-6c04-c503968d5809 at btinternet.com>,
>   dave.mdv via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
>> I am getting really pi**ed off trying to buy things on line. I just
>> wanted a few jars of the best Real Ale chutney (Drivers) but every
>> web-site wants me to set up an account. Amazon has the cheapest price
>> but then I have been told that I have started a Prime trial! No thank
>> you! Fenwicks did a special offer at Christmas but now the price has
>> gone up 50%. Duh! Cheers, Dave
> I'm usually happy enough to set up an account, since it should save a lot
> of form filling if you decide to re-order.
> --
>    Dave Plowman     dave at davesound.co.uk     London SW 12
> --
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