[Tech1] Smart phones

Nick Ware waresound at msn.com
Wed Jan 27 09:58:28 CST 2021

You can’t really blame the smartphone for that. It’s the owners that need a clip round the ear!
Nick Ware - Sent from my iPad mini 5

On 27 Jan 2021, at 14:41, Barry Bonner via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:

 No, not at all! I’m annoyed that when I used to meet people for a meal or drinks as we sat down the first thing some of them did was to get out their smart phone and play with it!

I was driving up Ruislip High Street one day and being a kind and thoughtful person (..really?..Ed.) I stopped at a zebra crossing to allow a lady with a baby in a push-chair to cross. Halfway across she stopped, fished in the bag on the push-chair, pulled out a smart phone and proceeded to hold a conversion on it! I politely hooted and was rewarded with a nasty look! Say no more.

P.S. My 1999 Audi has a cassette player!

On 27 Jan 2021, at 10:59, Mike Giles <mibridge at mac.com<mailto:mibridge at mac.com>> wrote:

Not even slightly tempted, Barry?

Mike G

On 27 Jan 2021, at 10:22, Barry Bonner <barrybonner119 at btinternet.com<mailto:barrybonner119 at btinternet.com>> wrote:

Thank you for the list of why I don’t like smart phones. It saves me compiling it!

On 27 Jan 2021, at 09:05, Mike Giles via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk<mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>> wrote:

You’ve prompted a new topic, Barry, by saying that you hate smart phones. I’m just the opposite and use mine for countless reasons from navigation in the car and on country walks to taking photos when I haven’t got a proper camera with me. I use it as a calculator; to win arguments, (I mean discussions!), by checking facts on the many platforms available;e-mail of course - (much easier than a lap-top on the loo!); star identification; I’ve got in excess of 2000 music tracks to listen to on the car audio system; monitoring our security cameras from wherever in the world we happen to be, which includes the office, or the kitchen at the back of the house when we’re waiting for our Sainsbury’s delivery; watching TV, live or catch-up when it’s not possible to use a proper set for one reason or another; checking on tide times when we want to walk by the river at Richmond; translation; Scrabble; learning a language; instrument tuning; currency conversion rates; Apple Pay; paying for car parking when I haven’t got the right change; maintaining a calendar (with reminders) of all the things we aren’t doing at present; alarm clock; citizen science; dictionary; train times; weather forecasts and rain maps; and of course, the notorious NHS app that will tell me when I’ve spent to long in unhealthy company! I started counting the apps on the phone and gave up, but I have 8 desktop screens, each with 24 spaces, about ten per cent of which are folders with up to 9 apps each within them - I grant you that many of those hardly see the light of day, but when you want a particular thing it’s awfully handy if it’s there already.

I used to have quite a few more apps when the grandchildren were younger, because all four of them used Grandad’s phone to play games on and they were always finding new ones.

Must stop there - I’m quite exhausted!

Mike G
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