[Tech1] Railway modelling

Graeme Wall graeme.wall at icloud.com
Sun Jan 24 10:10:59 CST 2021

I went to Pendon any yeras ago and there was an old woman absoutely enthralled by the models, she’d actually been brought up in one of the cottages depicted and reckoned they’d even got the table cloth right in the dining room!

Graeme Wall

> On 24 Jan 2021, at 15:49, Alec Bray via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> If you want to see (railway) modelling at its very best - and absolutely priceless - just go to:
> https://pendonmuseum.com/
> It represents what it was like in the Vale of the White Horse in the 1930s, and each house is a fully accurate model of a house in the Vale in 4mm scale (Hornby Dublo size) - including interiors.
> One visitor once commented that it was a study of outside toilets!
> One model house can take - it seems - almost as long to do as renovations on a full size property!
> Best regards, keep safe, Alec
> sent from my mobile phone. Apologies for any strange autocorrections.
> -- 
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