[Tech1] Fwd: Memories of 1960s Television.

Alan Taylor alanaudio at me.com
Mon Feb 15 06:28:16 CST 2021

I hope Barry used his catchphrase “That is NOT how you do it!”

I never liked his nickname … Bodger Bucknell.  Bodging is the skilled craft of making traditional chairs, but I would have no issues with people calling him Botcher Bucknell.

Incidentally if anybody has any memories or tales of working on the Bucknell’s House OBs, I would very much like to hear about them, either on here or privately. It’s high on the list of topics which I would like to include in the book, but very little information has survived, however some who worked on it must still be with us.

Alan Taylor

> On 15 Feb 2021, at 12:00, Albert Barber via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
>> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "Alex Thomas" <alex.thomas1 at talktalk.net>
>> Subject: FW: Memories of 1960s Television.
>> Date: 14 February 2021 at 23:55:42 GMT
>> To: "'Albert Barber'" <ravenscourt1 at btinternet.com>
>> Albert, I have sent this to Bernie’s site but it hasn’t appeared.
>> Perhaps you could forward it for me and see if that works. I don’t think that I am on some blacklist.
>> Best, Alex.
>> From: Alex Thomas 
>> Sent: 12 February 2021 14:38
>> To: 'Tech ops' <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>
>> Subject: FW: Memories of 1960s Television.
>>  We all have memories of rehearsal and live tv disasters and some of them can be recalled by the mention of a name.
>>    The mention of Barry Bucknell reminded me of a Bucknell from the early sixties in TC2.
>>    I was operating the wide angle easy shot  whilst others more senior than me were snatching the close-ups.
>>   It was the days of treating a recording as live so that the 2” tape did not have to be cut physically for which there would be a charge of £75.
>>   Barry was building an overhead locker which would appear in the shot behind him.
>>   All went well until the final shot and Barry’s pay-off.
>>   As he faced my camera and started his closing I saw the locker start to quiver and then fall down behind him.
>>   I must admit that I burst out laughing and then the director, the late Don Sayer, appeared at the top of the gallery stairs
>>   and shouted  “You have just cost me £75 “. 
>>   I offered to pay the money from my own pocket if he would transmit the closing shot as recorded.
>>   He declined my generous offer, we rebuilt the locker and recorded a new closing.
>>   Alex Thomas.
> -- 
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