[Tech1] Aviation enthusiast

David Taylor david at davidtaylorsound.co.uk
Tue Feb 9 06:52:34 CST 2021

I was idling letting ADS-B Exchange run and had spotted a C-130J call sign
RRR111 (serial XH866) out of Brize Norton doing the 'low level route' over
Cornwall, so felt sure he'd come [past my house....which he did at 12.24. I
have watched him return low level to Brize. And then I just noticed that
nearby Brize Nortno, the the approach into at Fairford is a U-2 serial
(80-1080) , the famous spy-plane, that the US Air Force still use.
With ADB-S you can switch to see only the military aircraft ( menu 'U') and
see a plot of their route with timings and altitude displayed (menu 'K').
This U-2 only seems to show a display back to Abbeville , that's Normandy
isn't it?
In fact the same C-130J RRR111 is now buzzing Fairford as well. Perhaps he
want's to 'log' a U-2!

Ah the misspent years of my youth that I wasted watching, and photographing

Dave T

On Fri, 29 Jan 2021 at 17:12, Peter Fox <peter.fox at zero51.force9.co.uk>

> Having spoken to my man at Fr24, they have stopped advertising blocking,
> mainly because the others, (such as Plane Finder I guess,) have also
> stopped offering it. He says some militaries request blocking, but the RAF
> generally don’t ask for hiding.
> They carry adsb transponders but have control themselves whether to
> transmit or not which would depend on various factors such as the airspace
> they are operating in or perhaps other unspecified circumstances! Joe says
> he has often watched dogfights in the valleys. A formation team would
> usually just have the flight leader transmitting. The police carry adsb but
> it’s usually switched off! Basically self isolating.  I believe a few
> private individuals have previously asked for blocking but there may be
> less of it from now on?
> Another thing you may have noticed in the last couple of years is that
> Transatlantic (and Pacific) flights are now satellite tracked in real time
>  and appear in blue.
> Peter Fox
> On 28 Jan 2021, at 18:19, David Taylor via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>
> wrote:
> Bernard,
> Yes I prefer Plane Finder, which uses ADB-S receivers and it shows
> military flights  that are using a recognised civilian code and gives the
> serial and callsign in the ID 'tag'
> You can only easily see the callsign on those military flights that Flight
> Radar 24 does show, and you are correct that it must be censoring some
> military aircraft.
> However, I can bring up details of previous flight on FR24. So could see
> that a Brize Norton based Voyager had been operating out of the Falkland
> Islands 'Mount Pleasant' airport for a month, as it came over my house
> heading back to Brize recently.
> I have the Pro versions of both, and can't now remember what gets omitted
> in the free versions.
> DT
> Get BlueMail for Android <http://www.bluemail.me/r?b=16470>
> On 28 Jan 2021, at 17:22, Bernard Newnham via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>
> wrote:
>> For some reason Flightradar 24 censors flights. Here are two captures,
>> one from FR24 and the other from ADSB Exchange, a few seconds apart.
>> B
>> On 28/01/2021 12:45, David Taylor via Tech1 wrote:
>> Having been brought up in an RAF family, I've been a bit of an aviation
>> enthusiasts since I started photography the aircraft at Lakenheath and
>> Mildenhall when I was 12.
>> In the early '60's we went to Singapore and I then 'misspent' my teenage
>> years photographing the planes mainly at Changi. In those days you had to
>> 'wait around' in the hope that something interesting would arrive. It
>> usually did as Changi was a wonderfal place for visiting planes.
>> A few years ago I found a renewed interest and my filming of the Flying
>> Legends Airshows at Duxford was enhanced by using an airband radio to add
>> an additional element to the videos.
>> Now I can follow aircraft in real time on my mobile phone....like this
>> morning when I 'watched C-130J Hercules serial ZH870, leave Brize Norton
>> just after 9am and start threading it's way at low level across mid-Wales,
>> out to sea then turn back across South Wales and into Somerset. At that
>> point I knew it was 'heading my way'. That's because, where I live in very
>> rural Dorset, we are on one of the military 'low flying zones' and the
>> Brize Norton C-130's and A400's use the route past my house on a regular
>> basis. Indeed this particular C-130 ZH870 is a regular and I just had to
>> stand in a west facing bedroom at the right time to see him roar past,
>> right on cue.
>> Out to sea, and in some parts of the route, he was down to 500 feet but
>> they come past us at between 800 and 1100 feet....it always seems so much
>> lower!
>> I'm using two apps to 'play this game': 'Plane Finder', which is great as
>> it shows an 'RAF Roundel' symbol beside the appropriate planes and also
>> 'Flight Radar 24' which only shows the call sign.
>> It surprising that so many military aircraft, even Eurofighter Typhoons
>> and F-35s can be 'spotted' this way. You see interesting things like say a
>> French F-16 making an incursion into East Anglia....to be chased out by a
>> pair of Typhoon's, or a 'Tanker' from Brize flying a 'race track' circuit
>> out to sea whilst a jet refuels.
>> The Mildenhall aircraft show up all the time (but the Lakenheath jets
>> don't) and the apps are 'worldwide' so you can plot the routes back to
>> their home bases.
>> I've been watching the incredible C-130's in fact since the late '50's
>> and surely it has been the greatest aviation success story...well since the
>> C-47/DC-3/ Dakota I guess.
>> My 1960's photos, of which I am really quite proud can be seen at
>> www.davidtaylorimages/aviation  and the video's from Flying Legends, and
>> particularly the my sequence of a P-51 Mustang accident at Duxford- 'Loss
>> of Big Beautiful Doll'  *https://vimeo.com/26291756
>> <https://vimeo.com/26291756>*   along with other videos on Vimeo.
>> Dave T
>> Nr Bridport Dorset
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