[Tech1] Live Streaming of talks

Bernard Newnham bernie833 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 6 10:58:46 CST 2021

If you haven't found OBS Studio yet, that would be the first thing to 
download. It's free, and I've been using it to send a feed from my bird 
box webcam to YouTube for years .

A little further upmarket, the Blackmagic Atem Mini - 
https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/uk/products/atemmini  would be worth a 


On 06/02/2021 15:44, David Beer via Tech1 wrote:
> Fellow ex Tech-ops
> I would appreciate any advice on the best way to live stream a talk as 
> I know some of you have been involved in relaying church services or 
> U3A type meetings.
> My local RSPB group have been happily Zooming our monthly talks from 
> expert presenters for almost a year now and most of the, (generally 
> elderly), members  have managed to log in ok and enjoy the talks from 
> home. If and when we resume our face to face meetings in a hall with 
> the presenter displaying photos using a laptop and projector on a 
> screen, we are looking into a way of also relaying the images plus 
> presenter's spiel to those members who no longer wish to travel to the 
> hall.
> With our limited resources of a laptop, projector and radio mics 
> connected to a pa system, (a webcam could also be useful), any 
> suggestions on what would be the best way to set up a live webcast for 
> members only which doesn't intrude too much on the presentation in the 
> hall? One option I suppose would be to record the event from a webcam, 
> and then to offer the recording link to those who want to view at 
> another time at home. The presenter's spiel is vital for these talks 
> so, although as an ex cameraman it pains me to say it, getting decent 
> sound tends to be more difficult than the vision!
> Any advice gratefully received.
> Dave Beer

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