[Tech1] (hopefully) to brighten up your day ...

David Newbitt dnewbitt at fireflyuk.net
Mon Feb 1 06:34:59 CST 2021

I‘ve just read Pat’s post re the Lemurs, Komodo Dragons etc. where he is responding to Doug’s zoo anecdote, still visible in Pat’s post. However, I never received Doug’s post direct nor did I see my own earlier response to Alec’s original piece. Over recent weeks I have on several occasions found that one or other members’ posts didn’t arrive in my inbox but I later saw them as inclusions with a response posting from someone else.

I really hesitate over raising this again but I would be interested to see how many others (if any) didn’t get Doug’s post mentioned above. I realise that not seeing my own post is potentially a different issue but in this instance I wonder if it is more than coincidence.

Dave Newbitt. 

From: patheigham via Tech1 
Sent: Monday, February 1, 2021 12:04 PM
To: Doug Puddifoot ; tech1 at tech-ops co. uk 
Subject: Re: [Tech1] (hopefully) to brighten up your day ...

Working in our industry, we get access otherwise denied to the general public.  Not wishing to top Doug’s story, my animal stories were not generated by work, but by holiday. A small cruise boat sailed from Durban to Bali, and for various reasons only had 30 on board, it could take 115 guests, so it was like a private yacht! The first stop was Madagascar and we were taken to meet the ring-tailed lemurs. Cute little critters and very tame – well, the visitors feed them! They love grapes, and delicately peeled them. Their little paws have the opposing thumb, like small hands. They would sit on our shoulders and munch bananas. Komodo dragons were another matter! When I was there, it was thought that it was their 

saliva that was toxic, but later research discovered that they did have venom sacs behind their bite, which rendered their prey gradually debilitated, with nervous failure. They were viewed in a gully, by us in a wired enclosure. I wanted to get a wild track atmos for my home video, so stayed behind while the rest of the visitors shoved off back to the ship. When all was quiet, the huge lizards started to hiss, which they hadn’t when were there, so that was an extra!


Filming in Thailand, our unit nurse – a super Australian lass – addressed the crew one lunchtime, and said that although we were working the next day in a known snake infested area, we should not worry if bitten, as she had all the anti-venom serums, however: “ I will want to know what colour it was!”.(Assuming we could take that in, without panic setting in!).








Sent from Mail for Windows 10


From: Doug Puddifoot
Sent: 01 February 2021 10:45
To: patheigham; Alec Bray; mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk
Subject: Re: [Tech1] (hopefully) to brighten up your day ...


In the days of local news programs "London Plus" I had to record an interview with a keeper and his elephant. During the course of the interview, the elephant decided to give me a hug around my neck with his trunk. Unfortunately at the time he had a cold! On another occasion, also at London Zoo, I had to get pictures of animals in the snow. When I arrived back  at Lime  Grove I discovered I had left the tripod behind. I phoned and was told I could collect it. I imagined the zoo would be a 24 hour operation, but no. As soon as it closes there are just a few security guards. So I was able to wander round an empty zoo with just the animals and the snow. Magic.




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