[Tech1] Single-plate ¼" tapes

Roger E Long relong at btinternet.com
Wed Dec 29 05:59:25 CST 2021

At Bush we used to receive  2400’ 1/4” tape from Berlin just on a core in a cardboard envelope
Wo betide an innocent (me) opening the envelope.
It could end up on the floor of the edit suite.
Open roll platters always looked very cool on German machines.
However we preferred American practice when Willis Conover’s VOA Jazz Hour tapes arrived they in were in sturdy cardboard
 Boxes and on NAB 101/2 Spools
Those tapes at 15ips would be very valuable now..
The VOA suite was luxury indeed
Monitor the Washington TX  and if Short wave became garbled switch to the back up tapes
Lovely Listening , cool suite. (Compared to rest of Bush)

> On 29 Dec 2021, at 08:15, Mike Giles via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> I think I’ve mentioned before that back in Bristol we once received a boxed ten and a half inch reel from Germany which proved to have no cheeks at all - just the hub - and the wind had become a bit loose in transit. This was presumably to reduce postage. 
> The senior Studio Manager who discovered this revelation paled noticeably as the tape unwound at her feet. Fortunately she remained locked to the spot and I had the task of rescuing the resulting pile of thankfully untrampled tape and all was well. As I recall, we never sent the tape back. 
> Mike G
>> On 29 Dec 2021, at 00:11, patheigham via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
>> When I went freelance, still using Nagras, I used to buy AGFA tape in bulk, on 10 ½ inch cores, so adapted a NAB spool to be single sided in order to make up to 5” reels.
>> I’m reminded of a situation at TVC, still preparing the FX for a programme, when the stagger-through reached the point of timing the telejector end captions to the music, which was requested. I was short of a take-up spool, so ran the end music off onto the floor, releasing its spool for take-up. All was playing well, until I saw a huge knot of tape rising off the floor! I had to hit the stop button, engendering a bleat from the production gallery: “The music’s stopped, Pat!” Yes, it had!
>> Pat
>> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows
>> From: dave.mdv via Tech1 <mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>
>> Sent: 28 December 2021 18:34
>> To: David Newbitt <mailto:dnewbitt at fireflyuk.net>; tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk <mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>
>> Subject: Re: [Tech1] Single-plate ¼" tapes
>> It may have been a Euro standard. As a gram-op. I had lots of foreign tapes to deal with which were always single-cheeked. The first thing to do with them was to copy them onto a standard UK spool! The biggest worry I had was with opening titles for 'Our World' , the round-the-world hook up. It came from the Vienna Phil. and because Russia had decided not to take part I had to edit the music for length! First, copy it, then you can half relax! Cheers, Dave
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