[Tech1] iPhone 6s Plus battery replacement

geoff.hawkes134 at gmail.com geoff.hawkes134 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 10 14:47:38 CST 2021

To add to the question I raised earlier, I took my iPhone to the Apple store
in Regent Street this afternoon for a replacement battery, having booked the
appointment online yesterday. After running a diagnostic check on it and
being told that apart from the battery, all was well, the assistant went on
to explain how the batteries were taped to the back of the display and with
older phones it’s sometimes difficult to remove the battery without damaging
it, but not to worry as if that happened, they would replace the display as
well at no extra cost. When I collected the phone about an hour later, I was
told that that was indeed what had happened, so I have a new battery and a
new display all in at £49.


I can’t remember which of us reported the same story but as others have
said, it’s worth getting the work done at an Apple store rather than a
Vape/phone shop where you don’t know what you’re getting and it may not be
much cheaper anyway. In a case like this, I doubt if they’d replace the
display as part of the bargain either,




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