[Tech1] [Discuss] Good evening

geoff.hawkes134 at gmail.com geoff.hawkes134 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 9 15:39:16 CST 2021

In my recollection, though I didn’t spend a great deal of time in the tea bars and less and less as tea breaks largely tended to be phased out during the rehearse/record era, by tacit agreement Religion and Politics were subjects that seldom entered the discussion, other than in passing and that for good reason. The last thing we wanted was to get into an argument with our colleagues that might lead to ill feeling as it could easily affect how we worked together if we were feeling sore, or if preoccupied with it, it could spoil our concentration on the work in hand. I was never a fan of the expression, “If you don’t like the heat, get out of the kitchen”, rather that we should help each other keep cool despite the heat, when we all feel the heat in different ways and need each other. For a sentimentalist like me, the song, “Lean on Me” says it all, and I like the beautifully sung, Glee Cast version that you can find on YouTube.


For my part, as one with life-long religious (Christian) convictions that help me through the joys and sorrows of life and I read the Bible and I count it a privilege to be able to pray daily for family and friends in my own quiet space, although I would love others to know the same benefits that derive from it, it is for me a private matter and I won’t be asking to join the new forum.


May those who do, enjoy it,




From: Tech1 <tech1-bounces at tech-ops.co.uk> On Behalf Of patheigham via Tech1
Sent: 09 December 2021 18:31
To: Mike Giles <mibridge at mac.com>; discuss at tech-ops.co.uk; Dave Plowman via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>
Subject: Re: [Tech1] [Discuss] Good evening


Nothing yet missed, Mike,

This was, I think, initiated by me, who felt that religion and politics were likely topics that might have been bandied about in the tea-bars at TVC, but left to individuals to moderate themselves.

Quite rightly, Bernie excised those topics from the chat site, but we are supposed to be a country of free speech.

I’m always amused by the figures of speech used by MP’s in the Commons, when something is said -outwardly seemingly pleasant and proper, but you know they don’t mean a word of it!

I posted a remark earlier about party MP’s  being forced by the whips to vote according to the party line – I don’t think that is what the electorate voted them in for? Or was it!




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From: Mike Giles via Discuss <mailto:discuss at tech-ops.co.uk> 
Sent: 09 December 2021 17:56
To: discuss at tech-ops.co.uk <mailto:discuss at tech-ops.co.uk> 
Subject: [Discuss] Good evening


Bernie’s just signed me up for slanging matches - what have I missed so far?


Mike G






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