[Tech1] Modern TVs

Alan Taylor alanaudio at me.com
Thu Dec 9 05:56:05 CST 2021

When I was about 12, I was amused to observe the opposite of this.  

My father took me to a demonstration of Circlorama. It was a fairly small circular auditorium with maybe a dozen screens around the perimeter so that you see a 360° view. The audience stand in the middle and there was a multi channel audio system too. Heaven knows how it was all synchronised, no doubt it was down to the magic of sprockets.

The whole thing seemed to be Russian in origin and one sequence was shot on a boat at sea.  It was quite choppy and the camera was bobbing around with the motion of the boat.  It amused me to notice that the audience were swaying in order to maintain their balance.  I then noticed that I too was swaying.

My other memory of it was that there were dreadful grading issues ( although I didn’t know about grading in those days ) from one screen to another and it looked really bizzarre when a yacht with white sails turned into a yacht with cream sails and then into a yacht with light blue sails as it passed us

Even as a naive pre-teen, I deduced that Circlorama was little more than a curious gimmick and was most definitely not the future of cinema, which some of its proponents would have had you believe..

Alan Taylor

> On 9 Dec 2021, at 10:31, patheigham via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> it's overdone. The idea is your head and eyes are never perfectly still, so rock steady pictures don't involve you in a drama like

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