[Tech1] Some details of the Pye desk in Type 2 scanners.

Dave Plowman davesound at btinternet.com
Thu Apr 8 08:36:01 CDT 2021

In article <939c45c0-a3cb-f7bd-d965-5c2775138b47 at chriswoolf.co.uk>,
   Chris Woolf via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> And I can remember people putting 4038s away in a steel cupboard by 
> lobbing them from a couple of feet away and getting them to stick - how 
> little we loved that sort of kit in those days!

It was common practice (70s onwards) at Thames TV to present anyone
retiring etc with a 4033 nicely mounted on an engraved plinth. Since
no-one ever used them by then - unlike the 4038.

Their nickname at Thames was a Guiness bottle.

    Dave Plowman     dave at davesound.co.uk     London SW 12

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