[Tech1] The COVID-19 app

Keith Wicks keithwicksuk at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 02:51:08 CDT 2020

On Thu, 24 Sep 2020 at 17:05, Chris Woolf via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>

> I have a phone that ~could~ do it but I don't think I can be bothered to
> try it - I don't mingle enough to warrant its dubious advantages.
I have an iPhone 6 that does not do it, and I don't intend to get a new
iPhone just for this. Like Chris, I don't mingle much at the moment and,
when I do go out, I rarely have the phone with me. If I do have it with me,
it is usually switched off as I use it almost exclusively for outgoing
calls. At home, I have a landline with an answering machine attached, and
ignore callers I do not know. As a result, I never have to speak to
scammers. My main objection to the Covid-19 software is that it is said to
be liable to give false positive results, which means I could be confined
to my home just because of a computer error — if I ever picked up their

> >.... I think that simpler software designed to work on older phones too
> would have been more useful.
> But I don't think the app could be made to work with the more primitive
> phones. It needs quite a lot of the more modern Bluetooth systems, and
> other core elements to be able to function with even the (low) level of
> reliability it currently has.
> Chris Woolf
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