[Tech1] buying a drink

Alec Bray alec.bray.2 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 22 11:03:24 CDT 2020

Hi all,

Pat Heigham via Tech1 wrote:
> one of the make-up girls looking stunning in a green trouser suit. I 
> complimented her and included her in the round of drinks. 

I can not for the life of me remember how this conversation came about, 
or who with ...I think it must have been with one of the make up girls 
who stood around in the studio wafting face-towels soaked with 
Eau-de-cologne - particularly, I seem to recall, during recordings of 
"Dixon of Dock Green".  The chat went something like this ...

"... the cameramen think they can invite us down to the pub, buy us a 
drink and get a packet of crisps, and then hope to get a leg over.  The 
sparks, on the other hand, whisk us off to a fancy restaurant and buy us 
a really good meal with nice wine ..."

Never forgot that, but on the other hand, never got anywhere with any 
make-up girl ...

Best Regards


Alec Bray

alec.bray.2 at gmail.com
mob:    07789 561 346
home:   0118 981 7502

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