[Tech1] Up for sale!

patheigham pat.heigham at amps.net
Sun Sep 20 19:05:24 CDT 2020

OK, you asked for it!
I’ve always been interested in the presentation of films. I attended Ewell Technical College (now Nescot) which had a proper projection room on the floor above the main hall. Apart from running the free 16mm films from BP and other libraries, I instituted evening screenings of classic movies. We didn’t get enough support financially from the students to hire the prints, so opened up a membership to all the local residents – much leafletting ensued. The hall had a drop down roller screen behind the procs arch, but when we ran a foreign film with subtitles, the hall not having raked seating, meant that the back row couldn’t see the subtitles. So I managed to get the screen mounted higher up in front of the procs arch!
Think the Principal was impressed with me as he gave me a testimonial which got me into the BBC, before they saw my A Level results!
A West Country friend wanted a film show for his daughters, so I went the whole hog. First considered hiring a 35mm projector from Sammies, but too complicated, so eventually acquired a couple of 16mm Elf’s, hiring the prints from Filmbank, a library. Bought a nine foot folding screen from Harkness Hall which make the screens for all the cinemas inc IMAX. We got away with mounting outdoor screenings for six years, weather wise, but it blew over the first time I put up the screen. My friends’ daughters rushing in to announce the disaster.
Although I had twin projectors and was geared up for reel changeovers, my chum wanted a reel break to flog a few more glasses of wine/beer – proceeds for charity, and the punters got a supper, too! The audio was via a Bose Acoustiwave, about £800 but I now only use it for my computer sound.
I got bored with the quality of 16mm optical sound, so switched to video projection off Bluray discs. Th other pics are of the six foot screen, but for Fiddler on the Roof I managed to install the nine foot one.
My friend there has a hi-fi set in the right place, so audio is OK, via a SQN mixer for local control.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: paulvictork at uwclub.net
Sent: 20 September 2020 20:52
To: pat.heigham at amps.net
Subject: Re: [Tech1] Up for sale!

Great post Pat lets have more !!
Best wishes  Paul 

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