[Tech1] .pdf

ROGER BUNCE rogerbunce at btinternet.com
Sat Sep 19 03:51:30 CDT 2020

To be honest I've never been sure about that one. If it follows the 
normal logic it should be either "I smelled" or "I have smelt" (Perfect 
and Imperfect tenses) - a bit like the difference between "I drank" and 
"I have drunk - too much - I am drunk". (At school, we only talked about 
Perfect and Imperfect tenses when studying French. We never learnt - or 
learned - about it in English lessons.) Since I'm constantly explaining 
to people that I can't spell, the one I usually have problems with is "I 
spelled" or "I have spelt". But then I think, isn't 'spelt' a type of 
cereal grain? And isn't 'smelt' something they do in an iron foundry? 
Best to use '-ed' ending to avoid ambiguity!

luv, Rog.
------ Original Message ------
From: "dave.mdv via Tech1" <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>
To: tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk
Sent: Friday, 18 Sep, 20 At 17:13
Subject: [Tech1] .pdf
..... or should it be 'I smelled a rat'? Roger, what thinkest thou? 
Cheers, Dave. (... or should it be 'what do you think?' ) - English 
grammar was never my strong point!

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