[Tech1] Drama Channel.

Dave Plowman davesound at btinternet.com
Sat Oct 31 06:09:54 CDT 2020

Quite enjoy watching old drama. Beauty of age - you might well not
remember it from first time round.

Now they seem to get the pictures more or less right. At least as regards
levels. But the audio often not. Almost as if they ignored the line up at
the front of the prog. I really don't think anyone made progs with the
average mod as low as some on this. Lifting it to a reasonable level means
grabbing for the remote when the ads etc are on. However...

In the last few days they seem to be using some form of auto gain control.
Meaning if you get a bit with no dialogue or background music for a short
time, the AGC lifts the background sounds to a ridiculous level, which
then crashes back down when anyone speaks, etc. Real amateur time.  And
horrid to listen to.

Have even basic engineering standards gone away for ever now?

    Dave Plowman     dave at davesound.co.uk     London SW 12

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