[Tech1] (no subject)

dave.mdv dave.mdv at btinternet.com
Wed Oct 28 13:54:25 CDT 2020

BV, (Before Virus), we had a very nice Hermes man who had his van stolen 
whilst delivering in Claygate. He had parked on the customers drive and 
hadn't locked it! His wife also delivered, but she told me about how bad 
Hermes were to their employees. Whilst waiting in their depot for the 
big delivery lorry to bring the parcels in they weren't paid for 
'waiting time', and then they had to do a certain number of deliveries 
that day, hence the temptation to 'drop and run'! Cheers, Dave

On 28/10/2020 17:54, patheigham via Tech1 wrote:
> Perhaps I’m lucky, here in Bookham.
> If it’s a Hermes delivery, the local guy has been to me several times, 
> so knows me. I’m in a first floor flat, so if stuff via a different 
> service, they usually leave it on my doormat, it cannot be seen from 
> the ground floor outside. A knock on the door, usually, but by the 
> time I’ve answered, they are away!
> Best
> Pat
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> *From: *Dave Plowman via Tech1 <mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>
> *Sent: *28 October 2020 16:31
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