[Tech1] Shipping Forecast

Dave Buckley david.jasma at sky.com
Mon Oct 12 06:11:28 CDT 2020

Many moons ago, I was talking to a retired Radio Three continuity 
announcer who, in his early days at the BBC covered all services - Home 
Service, Light Programme etc.

I asked him how the shipping forecast was read so that it exactly fitted 
five minutes, this was when it went out daily at 13.40 on LW. His reply 
was that if there was an over-run, then really it didn't matter as it 
was the start of Listen With Mother that was clipped and that was also 
going out on MW.

However, one day, he finished the report with '...and that is the end of 
the shipping forecast' and opted back to network. However, he had 
overrun slightly and what actually went out was '...and that is the end 
of the shipping forecast, sung by Peggy Lee'.

It was a Saturday and he had clipped the start of the Jack Jackson Show 
which started at 13.45. (Any one remember JJ shows. Prerecorded in the 
Canary Islands if I remember, and used cleverly edited sequences to link 
the records).

Dave Buckley

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