[Tech1] Big numbers

Nick Ware waresound at msn.com
Wed Oct 7 11:33:09 CDT 2020

Much as I enjoyed and valued my 19 years in Tech Ops, it was time to leave when I was told at a Sound Supervisor board that I looked too young to be supervising others. I was 38 at the time! They would never get away with that now. At that point, I was tipped off by one of the ‘nicer’ Sound Managers that any chance of promotion was being effectively blocked by one of the others and someone above them. I knew the real reasons.
As it happens, they unwittingly did me a huge favour, and I never looked back.
I’ve seen the World, or a great amount of it, and the diversity of work I’ve done in the meantime beats any done and forgotten TV programmes (with obvious exceptions!)
1980 was a new dawn in many ways. For me, a divorce and a new relationship that’s still rock solid today. For work: that was the arrival of PSC (ENG to some), and the inevitable disappearance of Arri BL’s, Aatons and Nagras, etc., and not long after that, the arrival of all things digital, and non-linear editing.
For me, months away from home wasn’t what I wanted, and best of all, I totally got to choose what work I wanted to do and what I didn’t.
And as it turns out, looking younger than my actual years is paying off now, as I’m still fit and working all these years later!
Nick Ware - Sent from my iPad mini 5

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