[Tech1] BBC Repeats-or not

Mike Giles mibridge at mac.com
Tue Oct 6 11:07:39 CDT 2020

This smacks of Moscow! The IBC for the Olympics was a new building with many studios and associated control rooms that were destined to provide regional programmes for all the far flung areas of the Soviet Union - everything from Moscow so that it could be monitored and censored by the boys in black leather jackets, of whom we encountered quite a few. 

Mike G

> On 6 Oct 2020, at 14:38, Mike Jordan via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> Takes me back to my days in London Switching Centre where regional inserts from London were sent up the distribution network. Us lowly engineers had control over the opt-out key.
> The opt-out was always supposed to end 30seconds before the opt-back time and we still sat with hand on the (nice old Kellogg) key in case the regional contribution overran.
> Of course it got more complicated when 2 regions wanted different feeds consecutively.
> Opt-out done, off to supper in BH Canteen (or club?) or stayed there to allow the other person on shift to go off early!
> Mike
> From: Peter Neill via Tech1
> Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2020 12:17 PM
> To: Tech Ops List
> Subject: Re: [Tech1] BBC Repeats-or not
> Most regions manage the opt seamlessly but, for some reason this problem exists with London.
> I’m told that the transmission path timing is variable so if you introduce a certain amount of delay in the direct path it probably won’t
> be right next time.
> The operational solution is not to opt in the middle of a word but that seems to be beyond some directors.
> Long-term this should be fixed by the centralised opting system which is planned.
> With this the regions feed their contributions to London and all opting is done there.
> Everything needs to be sent to London now anyway so that it can be distributed to Satellite broadcasters, iPlayer etc.
> Best
> Peter Neill
> -- 
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