[Tech1] Well left

Nick Rodger nickrodger at mac.com
Mon Nov 16 07:10:56 CST 2020

Well said Garth!!!!

Nick Rodger 
07971 007578 
nickrodger at mac.com  

Sent from my iPhone. 
Please excuse typos and auto~corruptions!! 

Don’t blame me!! 
I voted Remain 😥😥

On 16 Nov 2020, at 12:46, Garth Tucker via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:

Pat, stating the Guardian is 'well left wing' carries very little weight with me, the statement demonstrates, as does much of your diatribe, a low level of political comprehension. I would be happier if you could could leave politics to someone with a firmer grasp of its complexity. Garth
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