[Tech1] Beeb bashing

David Newbitt dnewbitt at fireflyuk.net
Sun Nov 15 13:46:55 CST 2020

This thread brings up for me a renewed awareness that I don’t see every contribution. In this instance I only saw Alberts contribution because it showed in Pat’s response, the original posting didn’t come to my inbox. I know this is a bit of a chestnut but I wish I could be sure of getting the whole picture.

Dave Newbitt.

From: patheigham via Tech1 
Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2020 7:29 PM
To: Albert Barber ; Tony Scott 
Cc: Tech Ops List 
Subject: Re: [Tech1] Beeb bashing


I believe that any uprising faction trying to take over a country has to first seize control of the broadcasting station/transmitters, for propaganda purposes.

Our BBC is regarded as being impartial and I’ve heard it said that the poor citizens of war inflicted Middle East countries try to listen to BBC

World Service to get the proper truth as to what is going on.

The Corporation’s motto is ‘Nation Shall Speak Peace unto Nation’ It tries hard to uphold that.

The Grauniad is well left wing, probably programme makers at the Beeb are also of that persuasion!

When I was there, colleagues would refer to me: ‘Pat, you are so right wing that you are coming round again!’

(So bring back capital punishment! Cheaper than keeping lifers locked up and hopefully discouraging other naughty boys,

Yep, another topic to thrash out!).


OK, enough politics – does Trump own a newspaper or TV station? He has an interest in Fox News apparently.


I’ve always considered this chat circle to replace our conversations in the tea bars, so the recent topic of ’milk’ is appropriate!







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From: Albert Barber via Tech1
Sent: 15 November 2020 18:40
To: Tony Scott
Cc: Tech Ops List
Subject: Re: [Tech1] Beeb bashing


Many thanks Tony for posting this. Much appreciated, all should read it.


  On 15 Nov 2020, at 18:02, Tony Scott via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:


  An article by one of the authors




  On Sun, 15 Nov 2020, 17:41 Alasdair Lawrance via Tech1, <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:

    There's a book out on the 19th which may be of interest to some,  "The War Against the BBC".


    I've put a link to it here.


    Alasdair Lawrance
    alawrance1 at me.com

    Don’t blame me, I voted Remain.


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