[Tech1] Len Davis - Glensound

Chris Woolf chris at chriswoolf.co.uk
Sat Nov 7 10:31:13 CST 2020

On 07/11/2020 15:58, Mike Jordan via Tech1 wrote:
> ....
> On landing, I asked him if something had gone wrong requiring the 
> sharp turn
> Got reply that “Yes wasn’t that fun? We only get an occasional chance 
> to try that out with an empty plane”
A while back I did a flight in an empty Brymon Dash 7 doing a cross-over 
flight with Concorde in front of Plymouth Hoe. The chief test pilot then 
decided we could show off a bit over the water - gear down, landing 
lights on etc. Shipping had been cleared, which was good because I can 
remember looking ~up~ at Smeaton's Tower (100ft) as we did  pirouettes 
between Mountbatten and Drake's Island. Not sure how close the wing tip 
was to the water because I was trying not to look.

I had no idea civil aircraft could do manoeuvres like that, and was just 
grateful I hadn't had time to have any lunch beforehand. Like your guy, 
the pilot admitted that they rarely had the chance to have so much fun.

Chris Woolf

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