[Tech1] Crowds in shot

Nick Ware waresound at msn.com
Mon Nov 2 07:52:42 CST 2020

If Pat’s sun-roof story seems coincidentally similar, bear in mind it was probably the same sun-roof, and quite possibly the same cameraman!!
Nick Ware - Sent from my iPad mini 5

On 2 Nov 2020, at 13:44, Nick Ware <Waresound at msn.com> wrote:

 ‘We’ regularly used to do vox pops with Danny Baker for the LWT “Six O’clock Show”, and where better nearby to find loads of people willing to talk than Waterloo Station? I totally lost count of the number of times the station security jobsworth came and threw us out, often quite agressively. It got to the point where he knew us all by name, and he even used to say “Look I know it’s daft, but you’re not allowed to do it in here”.
My favourite Waterloo moment was the day I decided to go home by train. So there I was, bedecked with sound kit, pole and Rycote etc., strolling along the concourse. I can still see the look of glee on his face when jobsworth spotted me and came striding over, expecting to grab me by the collar and throw me out. I showed him my train ticket.
“I’m a Customer now!” I said, and off he slunk.

We were in the wrong, of course, but try telling that to Danny! We once (I don’t think Danny was with us this time) got arrested for shooting GV’s in Leicester Square and Piccadilly, etc., driving around, the cameraman kneeling on the front seat with the camera through the sun-roof on his shoulder. Me driving, so I was ultimately responsible in the eyes of the Law. Not sure how we managed to blag our way out of that, but we did.
Nick Ware - Sent from my iPad mini 5

On 2 Nov 2020, at 12:24, Bernard Newnham via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:


This turned into a major issue some years ago with stills photography. "You can't take photos here" to pro photographers on the public highway. There was a court case and after that photographers went around for a while carrying a card which quoted it. I had one but never had to produce it, and don't know where it is now.


In addition to how the law does or doesn't affect you, you do need to be sensitive, if you're any kind of professional at all.  I made a documentary about bomb disposal men in the '90s. One thing I really wanted to know was how the wives felt, and did several interviews. I shot the one of the major in charge in the car on the way from Porton Down to Debden - just the two of us in the car. Then I did his wife's interview at their married quarters whist he was away - me, my asst prod, and their small son.  When I started the offline edit in the office I intercut what they said. After a while I felt I was generating a divorce, so I stopped, and later put the comments in very separate places in the film.


On 02/11/2020 11:03, jpbarlow--- via Tech1 wrote:

The legal position is that if/when you are in a public then you have no copyright on your own  image and anyone may photograph you.

The problem comes with the definition of a public place. In the street is fine but in a railway station is not.


> On 1 Nov 2020, at 22:15, Alasdair Lawrance via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk<mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>> wrote:


> Don't quote me, but I understand that if it's in a public place and "incidental", it's OK, and maybe you have to put notices (A - boards) warning people.  I suspect you have to have official permission of some sort from an authority for a feature, etc., but news would be different, I suspect.


> Alasdair Lawrance


> Don’t blame me, I voted Remain.




>> On 1 Nov 2020, at 21:53, Mike Giles via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk<mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>> wrote:


>> Does anyone know what the position is with regard to what must be members of the public going about their normal business who appear in shot in dramas when the actor/s is walking along a busy street, or doing the business in any public place, for that matter. I’ve often wondered but never asked. There must be occasions when one individual or another would not wish to be seen if they had any say in the matter.


>> Mike G




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