[Tech1] Annual accounts / tax returns

Nick Ware waresound at msn.com
Mon May 11 04:53:08 CDT 2020

I’m interested to talk to anyone in a similar ‘semi-retired’ situation to me who does their own online or paper tax return, or if you use an accountant, how that compares to mine.
Basically, since de-registering for VAT in 2013, my finances couldn’t be simpler, yet the fee the accountant is quoting me is £1850.00 inc VAT, a figure that steadily creeps up year on year. 
When I asked him last year if he was saving me more than he was costing me, he reluctantly said probably not (followed by a lot of smarmy sales-talk about the advantages of using a reputable firm like the one he works for). I’ve been with them for thirty years. 
What does the team think? If anyone has the time to email me privately in the first instance I’d be really grateful.
Needless to say, if any of this might be helpful for others, I’ll share details here.
nick at njware.co.uk or waresound at msn.com
Sent from my iPad mini 5

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