[Tech1] Amazing!

Chris Woolf chris at chriswoolf.co.uk
Sun Mar 29 07:49:36 CDT 2020

I imagine the police helicopters are having the same restrictions as the 
regional air ambulances. These are theoretically on call but not allowed 
to fly because the crew cannot practice social distancing inside an EH145 :}

Chris Woolf

On 29/03/2020 12:44, Dave Plowman via Tech1 wrote:
> Round here, it's helicopters with the heliport being only about 1.5 miles
> away. And they are much noisier than aircraft which pass overhead. Not
> that I've seen many of them either. Even the police helicopter seems
> noticeable by its absence.
> Years ago, I used to look forward to seeing Concord pass over at about
> 2130.
> In article <82951DAF-A966-4E16-9B1C-52A98642A45B at icloud.com>,
>     Graeme Wall via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
>> I‘m below the circuit for Farnborough, normally there is a stream of
>> executive jets in the late afternoon coming from various parrts of
>> Europe. Haven‘t seen a single one in well over a week. The only
>> overflights I‘ve had is a couple of military helos heading for Odiham.

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