[Tech1] Virtual disorganised has moved house

Bernard Newnham bernie833 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 27 12:11:20 CDT 2020

I can't imagine that evil people would, even if they could, be 
interested in a load of retired persons chatting. Everybody is using it 
at the moment,  so we really aren't important at all.

I've now run around half a dozen meets. All went basically well, though 
some people probably could do with an FAQ that starts - "First you need 
a webcam and microphone". Laptops, tablets and phones have them built 
in.   A lady on one session said "Why is the background wobbling on my 
feed and everyone else is fixed? " "That's because you're holding your 
phone" . There's a magic keying system that puts in fake backgrounds 
very efficiently. They say, not surprisingly, that green screen is best, 
but it has worked on both my computers with just a room behind me. You 
can run videos, or show off your photo collection just by switching your 
camera feed off.

You don't even have to download the software initially, if you are 
invited to join a session. You click the link and the system sorts you 
out. Free sessions are generally limited to 40 minutes, and it dies 
without warning . It did give one group a free open ended session, which 
is presumably an introductory offer. I assume I won't get another of those.


On 27/03/2020 15:52, John Nottage via Tech1 wrote:
> Coronavirus: Zoom is in everyone's living room - how safe is it?
> https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-52033217
> On 26/03/2020 14:34, Bernard Newnham via Tech1 wrote:
>> https://us04web.zoom.us/j/966564331?pwd=eW5GdDREczZIWjlvZWhXOEcyNEJ4Zz09
>> click the link
>> B

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