[Tech1] Day 5

ROGER BUNCE rogerbunce at btinternet.com
Sun Mar 22 17:32:05 CDT 2020

 Hi Alec,
You have reminded me of something - I have already written a novel! I wrote it in 1988, although (to nearly quote Hitchhiker's Guide) I haven't had it published yet, so I ought to warn you, I'm in a mean mood! (No, I didn't write it in crayon!)
So, the question is - is anyone bored enough to want to read it? O.K. Probably not yet! But there are 24 chapters, so if I send them out, two per week, it'll just about cover the lockdown period. (They are long chapters!) It may not be to everyone's taste. If you want to know what it's about, there's a clue in the title -
            "GOTHIC  BY  GASLIGHT"
and if that doesn't give you a feel for the thing, the opening line is -
        "It all began during the Great Fog of 1888."
No cliche knowingly overlooked! Let me know when you're bored enough. And now I've been reminded of it, does anyone know a friendly publisher? - or does anyone know how to publish stuff electrically?
luv, Rog.

    On Sunday, 22 March 2020, 17:13:23 GMT, Alec Bray via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:  
 Hi all,

On 22/03/2020 16:07, patheigham via Tech1 wrote:
> The cistern had been tampered with,

Now this assumes that the cistern was "practical" - that is, it actually 
worked in the studio. Although we sometimes had practical washbasins 
(did we?), a practical loo would be problematic.

But a pressure release on the canister might be doable, so that when the 
character sat on the loo, the pressure released a quick acting, quick 
dispersing, locally disruptive gas!

Best Regards


Alec Bray

alec.bray.2 at gmail.com
mob:    07789 561 346
home:  0118 981 7502

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