[Tech1] Crew 7 not crew 2

techtone techtone at protonmail.com
Thu Mar 12 16:26:18 CDT 2020

And while I remember, on that particular OGWT, Billy Connolly was ligging around in the background, but I was too busy trying to stay on the pair's actions to grab a shot of him, although it might have looked as if a rogue shot from another programme had crept in! Interestingly, back in them thar days, the odd star used to have a look at what was going on in other studios if they'd got some time on their hands, I mean John Cleese's might surface on a Dr. Who set!

The other thing to note, if you've got to the end, was that the credits didn't list any form of recognition for cameras - now how would anyone direct Otway and Barrett?

TeaTeaFN - Tony G

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