[Tech1] Benbecula

Graeme Wall graeme.wall at icloud.com
Mon Mar 2 12:54:50 CST 2020

And the Emley Castle, notorious for its scrumpy and a barmaid who was the centre spread in Mayfair!
Graeme Wall

> On 2 Mar 2020, at 18:33, Geoff Fletcher via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> Evesham pubs I can recall from my TO19 day sin1964  are the Coach and Horses, the Northwick Arms, the Old Red House, and the Royal Oak. Furthertafield therewsas the  Bulls Head atWootten Wawen, the Castle Inn at Edgehill,  theSun andtheSwan at Broadway, and one ontheriver at Wyre Piddle.
> Geoff F.
>> On 2 Mar 2020, at 14:44, Nick Ware via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
>>> was...........off to Helen Holden's pub in Evesham for a few pints (what was the name of the pub?).
>>> TeaTeaFN - Tony
>> Now there’s a question! There were lots of pubs in Evesham, and on many an evening a group of us tried to down a half in all of them. Half, because there were far too many pubs to make it pints). Then we’d aim to get back to the club in time for the bus back to WN.
>> Inevitably, there was an occasion on a very dark December night when we missed the bus and had to walk back in heavy snowfall - so heavy it was hard to see where the road was. 
>> So, eventually, frozen through, we made it back to WN - except that we found that there were two of our number missing! Apparently, fallen into a ditch somewhere, we were later told. Nothing unusual, I don’t suppose. Couldn’t possibly disclose the names!
>> Happy days!
>> Nick. (The other one).
>> Sent from my iPad mini 5
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