[Tech1] Exploring Television Acting

Bernard Newnham bernie833 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 2 06:33:20 CST 2020

I've spent a while trying to get a good OCR'ed result from the pages, 
but it's actually easier to go here to read the Google excerpts preview -


I can't decide whether I feel like contacting some of these academics 
and asking why they didn't actually make contact with us.


On 02/03/2020 09:40, ROGER BUNCE wrote:
> While not pretending to understand the poncey terminology - there does 
> seem to be a recognition here that live, or as-live, television drama, 
> is a art-form in its own right. It allows an intimacy between 
> camerawork and performance which is quite distinct from anything that 
> can be experienced either in live theatre or shot-at-a-time film 
> making. While we rude mechanicals have always been aware of this, it 
> is nice to know that someone has recognised it on an intellectual 
> level (even if I can't understand what they are saying)!
> Sadly, it now seems to be a lost art-form, since BBC Plays decided 
> they wanted to be BBC Films. Only the soaps are now shot in the 
> as-live tradition, and they are churned out with excessive haste. 
> Maybe one day, someone will write a history of that bygone art-form 
> which developed from the necessities of live TV.
> luv, Rog.
> On Sunday, 1 March 2020, 23:26:48 GMT, Bernard Newnham via Tech1 
> <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> I did that thing - putting my own name into Google.
> My daughter has asked me to write down all the shows I ever worked on 
> for some project she has. The Tech-Ops stuff is easy, as I have all 
> the diaries, but other things were more difficult. I was trying to 
> remember the series name of a documentary I'd worked on and I realised 
> that I had mentioned it in a piece for the website.  I found it 
> quickly by just typing my name.
> What then did came as a surprise is that my name came up in an entry 
> about a book called "Exploring Television Acting" by Tom Cantrell and 
> Christopher Hogg. I've never heard of it or them, but I'm quoted 
> there, and so are others. Just the ebook costs £20.34 - and I didn't 
> ever get asked.
> Here's a typical passage. Taylor is Don Taylor,and I bet you never 
> knew that you were involved in Friedberg's Epistemic Hegemony, 
> whatever that is........
> -- 
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