[Tech1] Twitcher request

John Vincent crew13 at vincent68.plus.com
Thu Jun 18 08:20:49 CDT 2020

We’ve got a family of parakeets round our way.

Bloody racket they make!

John Vincent

Sent from my iPad

> On 18 Jun 2020, at 14:13, techtone via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> I'd go for blackbird too. There are quite a few round here, and they all sing from on high, the most local one either on top of our chimney, or on the telegraph pole beside the house. I've heard three of them 'talking/singing' to each other, one tweets, and you can hear the reply in the distance and occasionally an even more distant answer. Utterly fascinating. And whilst I think about it, about a month ago blackbird was well upset when he perched atop of a nearby tree, began singing, and a chaffinch started screeching noisily to drive him off! He went after another couple of attempts, at which point the chaffinch shut up (must call him Eccles). This was mid afternoon, should the time have any bearing on things, but I've recently heard blackbird singing till at least 2200.
> TeaTeaFN - Tony
> Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>> On Thursday, 18 June 2020 10:44, Chris Woolf via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
>> Very likely a blackbird - though they feed on the ground and swoop downwards in front of cars, they do always sing their hearts out from the tops of trees most evenings.
>> They even get confused with the (related) nightingale, because sing so long into the twilight on early summer evenings.
>> Song thrushes are a fair bit smaller, though very fine singers: mistle thrushes are a tad bigger, but tend to be shouters;}
>> Chris Woolf
>>> On 18/06/2020 10:28, Bernard Newnham via Tech1 wrote:
>>> My first thought was that it was a blackbird, though not being a birdwatcher, the only appropriate reference I had was this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDxfjUEBT9I
>>> We have lots of blackbirds, but they seem to be ground huggers, and this one was at the top of a tall tree. As you can see, it was silhouetted against the sunset, with no size reference. I've now downloaded the bird recognition app, and will give it a go if the bird feels like doing the same again.
>>> thanks to all
>>> B
>>>> On 17/06/2020 22:29, jpn wrote:
>>>> Knowing a bit about the song would help. Thrush has repeating song. Blackbird is very tuneful, but less repetitious. How big was it? There's no scale in your pic, but silhouette looks blackbird like.
>>>> John
>>>> Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
>>>> -------- Original message --------
>>>> From: Bernard Newnham via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>
>>>> Date: 17/06/2020 21:48 (GMT+00:00)
>>>> To: tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk
>>>> Subject: [Tech1] Twitcher request
>>>> Singing very tunefully at the top of a tree in the twilight - 
>>>> Any suggestions?
>>>> B
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