[Tech1] Means to an End

Dave Plowman davesound at btinternet.com
Wed Jun 17 05:24:06 CDT 2020

In article <9b45a634-c050-d870-9384-112fa08f91e4 at btinternet.com>,
   dave.mdv via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> No Nick! Kim was NB! I asked someone why he was known as Kim and they 
> said it was because everybody said 'F**KIM'! DMT was famous by having a 
> label on the AudioBaton eq. device called a 'DMT Protector' which was in 
> fact a fuse. Apparently he once got a shock from the case due to a loose 
> connection inside.

Anorak on here.

On the back of the Audio Baton, there was a power output. A four pin
socket with HT and heater volts. IIRC the socket was actually a battery
connector from the days of valve portable radios, and although a socket,
the female connectors were crimped to the fibre plate, so you could touch
them. And DMT did. ;-) Being across the power supply, they were likely
still 'live' for a short time after powering the unit down.  

It wasn't faulty as such. Just badly designed by today's standards.

    Dave Plowman     dave at davesound.co.uk     London SW 12

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