[Tech1] Means to an End

dave.mdv dave.mdv at btinternet.com
Tue Jun 16 15:30:55 CDT 2020

Jolting the Heron to fool the man on the front that you had actually 
moved, as ordered, was very similar to the sound version. I spent a long 
time in the grid of a studio (which, being above the lights and in 
pocket less overalls, was very hot!) keeping an incompetent Sound 
Supervisor happy when he wanted a slung mic. moved one foot this way, or 
that. As we all know, that wouldn't make any difference whatsoever, so 
the technique was to shake the cable and peace reigned!  The most 
annoying thing was that after an overrun and de-rig we got to the club 
just after closing time and he hadn't bought anybody a drink! Kim, eat 
your heart out! Cheers, Dave

On 16/06/2020 20:22, techtone via Tech1 wrote:
> Ah yes, timber crayon, yellow in early sixties with blue added late sixties (plus red at a later date). But this could be washed off when set designer decided to have a quick floor paint before TX/TR. Mind you, if you'd used camera tape instead of crayon, woe betide you if you didn't remove it all during derig.
> TeaTeaFN - Tony
> Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> On Tuesday, 16 June 2020 14:52, Alec Bray <alec.bray.2 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> On 16/06/2020 14:34, techtone via Tech1 wrote:
>>> lines of camera tape on the floor
>> Not in my day!  It was a "Ladder" (on the right hand side, marked out
>> with big yellow wax crayons.
>> This caused a problem with one senior cameraman ... the story told in
>> full elsewhere, but briefly, he kept changing camera position when he
>> was on the front end of a Heron.  You'd put down a  Ladder, and the next
>> minute a beckoning finger would indicate a gnat's to the left or right.
>> You would end up with a mess of crayoned ladders (quite difficult to
>> erase), and end up not knowing which one was the true one.
>> The answer was - and as I have found from this site that others
>> discovered this trick as well - to have a foot on the brake, and then go
>> full forward on a finger beckon. The Heron lurched, the cameraman was
>> happy, we still had the same ladder....
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Best Regards
>> Alec
>> Alec Bray
>> alec.bray.2 at gmail.com
>> mob: 07789 561 346
>> home: 0118 981 7502

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