[Tech1] Lime Grove

David Newbitt dnewbitt at fireflyuk.net
Wed Jul 1 06:43:58 CDT 2020

This Alamy copyright photo is described as the 1st production by the BBC at LG Studios. Dated as being May 1950, Studio D with Wilfred Pickles seated. And doubtless with “Mabel at the table” somewhere!

Dave Newbitt.

From: Albert Barber 
Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 11:25 AM
To: David Newbitt 
Cc: Albert Barber ; tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk 
Subject: Re: [Tech1] Lime Grove

A truly wonderful find! 
What a mess it was and yet it reeked of the glory of Gainsborough studios where a younger Alfred Hitchcock worked.

I did some of my early Play School programmes at Lime Grove and realised it wasn’t the same illusion I had in my head when we had as an exercise in Roman Lettering at art school to letter an entrance sign in something like Trajan or Perpetua.


The canteen was a convoluted journey overlooking the houses in Lime Grove itself that were bought as overspill for the Panorama  staff. In “This is the BBC”, the Richard Cawston Documentary there is footage of Rex Moorfoot in the Panorama office (LGS) discussing the programme.

It was a thrill to work there when I started out at the BBC like many now on the forum we have fond memories.


  On 1 Jul 2020, at 09:30, David Newbitt via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:

  With the recent forum focus on TC, in particular the wonderful cutaway drawings, my thoughts went back to the earlier wonder of Lime Grove. I honestly can’t recall whether I’ve posted this before (or indeed if it’s known about because someone else posted it), but this pre BBC occupation cutaway is a fascinating reminder even if hardly in the same class as the TC one.


  The drawing is dated 1951 although I believe it was executed in 1950. I think the signature is Raymond C Arnold. I wonder who he was and why it was drawn? I’ve included the file also as an attachment for ease of saving the image if anyone wants to.

  Dave Newbitt.
  <Lime Grove 1950 before BBC moved in.jpg>-- 
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  Tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk

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